Use the industry-leading AI model to catalog all air traffic communications in your airspace
We’ve developed Yeager, the most accurate commercial automatic speech recognition (ASR) model purpose-built for the challenges of air traffic control speech, giving airport and airspace managers unprecedented situational awareness and efficiency.
Seamless cataloging
Track aircraft communications across all relevant frequencies seamlessly. Determine if a maneuver was due to noncompliance, or in compliance with ATC instructions.
Instant search
Every pilot or controller transmission in your airspace made searchable by callsign, time, or even by the content or type of the transmission, saving you hours of triangulation and giving you hard evidence.
Better community response
When proof of a deviation is presented effectively, pilots will be more likely to comply. Reduce your back-and-forth communications while fostering a productive airport-pilot environment.
See our AI model in action
Send us an email or give us a call to schedule a demonstration of the Pattern platform with one of the co-founders.