
Instant search

Every pilot or controller transmission in your airspace is searchable by callsign, time, content, and frequency, saving you hours of triangulation and arming you with hard evidence.

Unlimited map layers

When analyzing an aircraft’s track, select among layers including VFR sectional, Terminal Approach Charts, Airport Diagram, Satellite, and more. Custom layers, such as noise abatement diagrams can be added, too.

Audio transcription with AI

Use aviation’s most accurate AI transcription model to find the exact audio communications, automatically sorted and tagged for you.

Go paperless

Compose letters to pilots from your dashboard, and let Pattern print & mail them, same-day. Include a custom code in each letter that allows pilots to view your evidence in a unique portal.

Altitude tracking

Assess altitude-related pilot deviations with highly detailed altitude information, including MSL and AGL altitudes.

Flight events

Understand the key points of a flight without searching for them. Pattern highlights key events such as takeoffs, landings, and frequency changes, across all relevant frequencies.

Aircraft ownership data

View aircraft ownership and registration data from within the Pattern platform, saving you an extra search. And when you compose a letter to a pilot, we’ll autofill the owner’s name and address for you.

On-airport data receiver

Data for Pattern is collected by our purpose-built unobtrusive hardware unit, containing both a VHF audio and UHF ADS-B receiver. Data is sent to Pattern in real-time via a 5G cellular datalink.

Deviation evidence portal

When sending a letter to a pilot, Pattern automatically generates an evidence portal for the letter recipient to view. No more printouts or screenshots necessary.

Unlimited history

Keep historical flight operations data stored in the cloud for as long as you need it, at no extra cost. Form a better understanding of historical trends, or discover repeat offenders.

Single-use share links

Have a flight or event you’d like to send to another airport professional or other stakeholder? Create a simple link that will give the recipient access to the data from a flight.

Violation detection

Arriving Summer 2025: Pattern will help you detect pilot deviations automatically, by understanding abnormal flight paths or noncompliance with ATC instructions.

Schedule a demo

Send us an email or give us a call to schedule a demonstration of the Pattern platform with one of the co-founders.